The upcoming Malayalam comedy family drama film, Thrissivaperoor Kliptham, is all set to hit the theatres on 11th August 2017. The film is the debutant work of the director Ratheish Kumar who has very keenly crafted all the scenes in the film. The main lead of the film includes Shilpi Sharma, Asif Ali, Chemban Vinod Jose, Aparna Balamurali, and Baburaj, who will be seen playing some crucial role in the film.
The plot of the film revolves around the characters David Pauly and Chembaden Joey, who are after each other’s lives since the downfall of high school. Soon when Joey loses up the betrothal ceremony of Davys. Soon, Davy and his friends join the hand and this buttons up Joey forever. Then enters a girl, who then joins the gang and interest also. But the twist is yet to come, the adventures are awaited for the gang to take up the revenge.
The film is under the banner of Whitesands Media House, and jointly produced by Fareed Khan and Shaleel Azeez. The director, Ratheish Kumar, who is coming up with his first film Thrissivaperoor Kliptham, has very peculiarly done the scenes, which are deliberately written by PS Rafeeque. Also, a major help of the cinematographer, Swaroop Philip, will be seen in the film. Where the music of the film is scored by Bijibal and the post production work of the film is done by Shameer Muhammad, the editor of the film. Also, August 11st 2017 will be the marked date for the film to hit the theatres.