What would anyone say about the teaser which ends with a dialogue, “Let the game began”. Some film makers could literally sleep walk their way through the film while dreaming of money and teaser of Raja Ranguski is worse then this. Film does not really have one specific genre because half of it is romance and rest is some kind of thriller. It is a very common thing to not show the villain and here his terrifying voice on the phone to further complicate the narrative but more effort should have been put in making the teaser if not the film.
Sound of the film in the form of background score also has nothing unique in it and has been out there for decades in the same way. To engage the audience with thrilling elements, makers need to put some fancy editing into play which would create the thrill because simply shooting it is not enough. Editing is lousy and basically routine with the most unreal way of summarizing the love part in a few shots. Water in the foreground left side of the screen and a person smiling on right through out of focus should be banned because it had been use so many times.
Makers gave not one reason to engage audience and make them come to the cinemas. Shirish might be the greatest actor in the history of world cinema but if one is doing an ultra mediocre script than what is the point of anything. An actors capability is tested not only in front of the camera but also on what kind of script he/she is taking up and would it actually explore their potential. Shirish chose to don the uniform of a police officer on screen who will be able to mess with the goons now that’s some non-effort right there.
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