Pitch Perfect 3 has arrived on the doorstep of whoever wanted this since Pitch Perfect 2 barely had a story to tell in 2015. The wanna be female singers are back in a wanna be trilogy of a wanna be film and that’s just about all the brief cast got to act in the film. The characters of this film are so bizarre, hollow and unfunny that it seems a remarkable question of how and why the makers even wanted this film to happen. The most unique selling point of this film is that instead of a boy gang there are a bunch of girls trying to do something they are not even good at.
Funny thing is that characters in the film themselves recognize that they are not good singers and they suck at their day jobs, so they quit their day jobs to go back to singing. Question of the century is that why these people are doing what they are and they are not inspiring, dedicated or even sour losers. The characterization of these ladies is self illusion by the screenwriter Kay Cannon and Mike White themselves. This film is actually a musical comedy about the people who can’t play original music and they know it and they would rather not try to be funny.
Rebel Wilson is so slapstick with her dialogues than she can put Charlie Chaplin’s actual physical acts to shame. There is nothing in her career which guarantees that she can act, she just seems to be more willing of making fun of herself than other Hollywood actresses. Anna Kendrick is suppose to be the lead of this film and her job is to keep her character inspiring, while about 12 left their dreams of becoming actresses after watching her in literally any film of hers. Instead of being feminist, this film is the opposite of feminism, the whole idea of promoting feminism through film is to make good films with females leading it and not just make films where females are leading it. Overall a film like that can jeopardize the destiny f other fermale-centric films and thankgod this is the last.
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