Logan Lucky movie is American heist comedy that is directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Rebecca Blunt. It features Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig, Adam Driver, Riley Keough, Katie Holmes, Hilary Swank, Katherine Waterston and Sebastian Stan in the prominent roles. It is the movie of a loose and lumbering tale of the gang of losers of the West Virginia. Logan Lucky was earlier premiered in Knoxville and was released in the United States on 18th August where it received positive reviews from the audiences as well as the critics. The director has delivered a goofy heist film Logan Lucky that is similar from another repertoire of films of the director Steven Soderbergh’s.
The plot of the movie revolves around Jimmy Logan who is a former football player and a devoted father. It is the story of the amusing gang of the losers in West Virginia who hit the jackpot through robbing an auto raceway in North Carolina. Jimmy Logan brother Clyde who lost an arm in Iraq reminds that he along with his family are cursed with bad luck. To prove his brother wrong Jimmy ropes him into the plan to rob the Charlotte Motor Speedway. The plot set in the quirky environment along with the offbeat elements. The performance of Channing Tatum as Jimmy Logan is charming along with the emotional undercurrent with his younger brother Clyde (Adam Driver).
Overall movie is thrilling full of action, the screenplay is interesting and entertaining. A Daniel Craig blonde hair look in a jump suit is amusing who digs hard boiled eggs despite his high cholesterol levels. His old school charm and aggressions with rough is footing of a movie. The role of Katie Holmes as Jimmy’s ex-wife Bobbie Jo and Katherine Waterson as Jimmy’s schoolmate is pretty entertaining. Logan Lucky movie is a thrilling factor with heist comedy.