Insidious The Last Key is the 4th installment in the franchise and 2nd when it comes to the chronology of stories. It is the sequel of the prequel following 2015 Insidious Chapter 3. The placement of this part is rather forced into an already dead franchise. Insidious contributed little to nothing in the new-ness of horror genre and rather played it’s cards on the hands that are already dealt with. The scares are a 100 year old in this amateur franchise of showing grossed objects called as ghost, it is easily more disgusting than scary.
Film tries to provide quite a few cheap thrills, guess the makers forgot to watch The Conjuring franchise. Film should have up-ed it’s game with the plot and screenplay rather it downgraded it all to the point from where there is no coming back. Plot of the film consists of a lady who thinks she can handle ghosts unless it happens in her own house and she does not have a clue of what to do. Plot is awfully stolen from the Conjuring except this film is really very boring. It’s a million year old technique to put a loud background score right before you cut to the disgusting make up done by a highly underpaid actor.
Since this film is so very repetitive in it’s nature it is difficult to even enjoy one single second of it. Direction of Adam Robitel is sinspired from quite literally every film made in Horror genre, one wonders if he even opened his mind through out the making of this film. Cinematography is also similar to many films, it is not fantastic anymore to be able to shoot in the dark, it is not 1960’s. Use of VFX is so evident in the film that Jim Carrey would fall with shame even with his Ace Ventura make up. Overall the film is not worth a buck coming out of that pocket, one should binge watching Conjuring series for actual horrors.
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