Game Of Thrones S07e01: Ed Shareen deletes his twitter account hours after making cameo

Ed Sheeran in GoTS07e01

Singer Ed Sheeran made a cameo in “Game of Thrones”  in season seven premiere. But he had to delete his twitter account hours after he got mixed reactions from his and Game of Thrones fans for his cameo on the season seven premiere of world’s most famous TV series.The “Shape Of You” singer appeared 39 seconds into the episode when his unnamed character’s voice caught the attention of young Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) as she was riding through the forest. It aired on July 16.

The “Shape Of You” singer appeared 39 seconds into the episode when his unnamed character’s voice caught the attention of young Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) as she was riding through the forest. It aired on July 16.

Arya Stark, after killing a lot of people on Sunday night’s premiere took some time to make some friends in the forest on her way back. She found a group of soldiers and Ed Sheeran was one of them, he was playing an unnamed character and did not have many dialogues.

“For hands of gold are always cold, but a woman’s hands are warm,” Sheeran’s character croons while sitting fireside with a group of soldiers who have stopped to have a bite to eat before heading to The Riverlands, reports

“It’s a pretty song, I’ve never heard it before,” Arya says. “It’s a new one,” Sheeran retorts.

Ed Shareen is not the first musician to make a cameo on “Game of Thrones”, members of Snow Patrol and Coldplay have also appeared before in the show. But he has been the most popular musician to come to the show.

Last month, he spoke about the cameo on the popular show. “I haven’t seen it yet! I just know the scene I did, I did with Maisie, and it’s decent. I like it,” Sheeran said. “Nothing exciting happens in this scene, we just have a conversation and that’s kind of it.

Sheeran also admitted that he feels his cameo “has been build up too much”. “People will just be like, ‘Oh… oh, all right’,” he joked. “It’s not an integral part of it, at all. I’m just like, in it.”