Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 6 leaked , ‘HBO Spain’ the guilty

Game of Thrones episode 6 gets leaked by HBO Spain, god bless them

In surprising turn of events HBO has taken it upon itself to leak Game of Thrones episode 6. Game of Thrones has been in the news for very many reasons and especially because of hackers and leaks. Episode 6 of Game of Thrones was accidentally leaked by HBO Spain as reported on reddit. Recently HBO suffered a hack related incident, where 1.5 terabyte of data leaked from their department, it was the script of episode 4 and some other shows.

The hack continued for HBO as hackers gave press leaks about leaking more data from HBO and all this hoola-hoop surrounded the show. News about the content of the show was less than criminal offenses around it and that lead HBO in a lot of trouble but none quite like this. HBO Spain which is it’s own division by mistake played an untelecasted episode of the most watched TV show on earth. HBO is always the biggest thing in the world of entertainment when it is being broadcasted and this kind of carelessness has never happened let alone Game of Thrones.

HBO needs to really look into their system and management in order to not broadcast upcoming episodes mistakenly. With all this news surrounded one wonders if the TRP’s of the show are being affected, as the leaks have gathered a large number of eyeballs and must have diverted people from the original broadcasters.