Filmfare south opens it’s line for voting by audience

Filmfare award for South Indian films have opened their voting lines for public where one can put out names of their favorites in all the major categories including best film and best actor. The categories combine films being made in four languages including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. Poles are quite free in nature or rather reckless because filmfare is not even providing options to pick from but actually type down the entire name as one feels in any category which is a whole different level of lazy even for Indian award shows.

If only Filmfare would have decided the nominees on their own in advance and then asked people to reflect upon them but instead an audience member would have to think the entire year from so may films and come up with one. If there was options then one would have analyzed over the choices and made a fair decision but an average movie goer remembers only so many films and it won’t be fair for small films as they will get overshadowed in the memory by big films as they are more talked about in the media.

Amongst many films, whose fate are anyways decided by the audience on the box office perhaps award shows could have been chosen by professional. This must have been some guy sitting in the marketing team of Filmfare thinking of someway to engage the audience so he decided that let the audience decide the entire list of awards, which might not be the greatest idea especially in such a loose bound way. Indian award shows have touched incredibly new lows at times when sometimes the person getting an award on the show is giving reaction to himself from the audience and it just shows how reckless can an industry be about something which is suppose to be prestigious.