Darkest Hour is one of the most prolific films to have come out in a very long time. As Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk released last year and it showed the story of British soldiers being kept under the gun on french beach which was just miles away from northern England. Nolan chose to portray the various struggles of soldiers and keep Winston in mere conversations. Darkest Hour shows almost the same story and much more of world war II but from the perspective of Churchill and British government.
Film is an agenda puller because it does not showcase the worst of Churchill when he let 2.5 million people die in India due to shortage of food. Churchill ordered all the food production of India to Britain and said Indians are beastly creatures who deserve to die but this film won’t portray that side. Darkest Hour is about severe struggles of Churchill who was at the helm of first world when it was being built and the planet as we know it was at it’s worst, could have gotten replenished. The entire world was destroying the other side and all eyes were on Churchill as he was the prime minister of the country that had more than half the world kneeling to them.
Britain had a large part of the world colonized and Churchill was seeing it all slip away as the war made everyone realize that there are things worse than death and people were not scared anymore. Gary Oldman as Churchill is unbelievable and as people are calling it the performance of the year. Gary literally disguised himself in the character from the physical demeanor to the way of speaking was identical to the characteristic of Churchill but not a mere mimicry. Screenplay and direction of the film was just brilliant and it deserves all the accolades at the cinema by maximum number of audience.