Danny Boyle to direct ‘James Bond 25’ with Daniel Craig?

Danny Boyle to direct 'James Bond 25' with Daniel Craig?

James Bond 25 is a hot property in cinema right now as it is looking for a director to make it work. Last two Bond films were directed by Sam Mendes by the name of Skyfall and Spectre. While Skyfall turned out to be a classic, Spectre ended up being miserable and which is why Daniel did not wanted to play Bond again. Daniel has been playing the iconic character since 2006 in his first outing by the name of ‘Casino Royale’ which turned out to be a super successful decision.

In the history of Bond, Daniel is the one who is repeated the most time in this character because he is simply fantastic. Many months before Daniel has said that he would rather slit his throat but to play Bond again but than he was offered the most gigantic sum of money ever to any actor in the world. Speculations are that he was given the offer of $110 million to stay James Bond though no further clarifications have come from Daniel or studio, he has definitely signed the film and will return as James Bond for one or maybe more films.

Danny is essentially a British director which suits the Bond films very much because it is about a British spy, who ends up operating in any part of the world for his cool missions. As of yet Danny directing the film is not confirmed but he is certainly a front runner for the position and he does come with a very interesting resume. Initially there were reports that Christopher Nolan might be directing the next Bond film but in his recent comment he has clearly mentioned it that he is not the one who is going to do this job. Confirmed reports about the next Bond film should come very soon with the announcement of director and a release date.