Anne Hathaway has wandered back into indie-cinema with a film that has one of the most outlandish plot lines of the year, “Colossal”, which she doesn’t believe is a movie that can be categorised. “I think it’s all genres and none”, she said, in a viewpoint similar to how she perceives her role in the movie. Hathaway stars in Spanish filmmaker Nacho Vigalondo’s genre-hopping film, as Gloria a train-wreck of a character who has hit rock bottom, when she loses her job in New York City and is thrown out of the apartment by her British boyfriend (Dan Stevens) who by this point has had enough of her incessant drinking habits, lack of employment (because she blew up her previous job) and a ton of other reckless habits she needs to get rid of and get her life in order.
This makes her move back into her suburban childhood home, from which her parents are conveniently absent. Here she has rekindled her childhood friendship with Oscar (Jason Sudeikis), gets a job at the local bar and mostly spends her day drunk, sleeping away to glory.
If you’ve seen the trailer, you’ll know that there is a sudden emergence of a giant lizard/ Godzilla like creature – a Kaiju which is terrorizing Seoul on the other side of the world. She follows the news footage back in New York and a couple of more sightings later, of this monster , one fine morning when she steps into a park , she draws a connection with the giant creature creating havoc. This realisation comes after observing that any particular move made by her in a local park at an early morning hour is duplicated by the monster.
She doesn’t gauge the enormity of the situation until she realises that every time she is sloshed, tripping and falling all over the place, hundreds of people in Seoul die. She decides to sober up and take control of her life. Meanwhile Oscar, begins to reveal his dark side ( stalker tendencies, control freakishness, jealousy and beyond). This dark side to Oscar is materializing in Seoul as a giant robot. Eventually the monster has to battle it out with the robot and Gloria alone can save Seoul, but there is a bit of self saving that needs to be done prior to that. Taking this quirky plot forward, Vigalondo explores human nature through a variety of metaphors. Like the film’s poster says there is a monster in all of us.
The film’s strange premise is difficult to digest at first but the performances are commendable. Hathaway’s journey to self discovery with such determination is absolutely extraordinary. Sudeikis’s plays the grey and the villainy tones to perfection.
Colossal doesn’t achieve cinematic excellence by any means whatsoever, the script falls short on its cerebral reach, but surely gains points on its quirk, unpredictability and wild plot.
Runtime : 110mins
Here in the Trailor of the Movie
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