Arshi’s Mean task is still going on when the episode opens, and the Contestants are getting desperate to find ways in which they can be mean to others, so that they can win and save themselves. The most tense part of the show comes when Shilpa decides to be mean to Hina, and break her beloved cup, in which she has written “Sher Khan”. This makes Hins very sad, and she begins to cry. While Shilpa flaunts her meaness and tells that no one should have told her that she didn’t use to do the task. She is unapologetic about the task and doesn’t care about anything.
Vikas, meanwhile is very angry about Shilpa’s actions and tells that she’s a hypocrite. When it comes to Puneesh, Vikas suggests that he will wax all the hair from his body, thereby, being very mean to him. Even though he is reluctant, Puneesh agrees and Vikas waxes him.
After this, Arshi announces the winner, and it is Vikas, hence he is the meanest person in the house. She then leaves the house, and later on, it is time for anothet elimination. In a tense situation, Akash is eliminated from the house, and is told to exit the house from the main door.
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