Sreebhumi Durga Puja 2017: Baahubali Themed Durga Puja Pandal recreates Mahismati Kingdom

Bahubali themed Durga Puja 2017

Baahubali themed Durga Puja Pandal has created a buzz in Kolkata as this is the first time that this theme has been used and people have been very impressed by the theme. The palace of Mahistami that the is an ancient kingdom that was portrayed in the Bahubali series has been recreated by the club. This unique theme made by the puja organisers have been a great attraction for the pandal hoppers. As in Bollywood Bahubali recreated an impact and has been a great hit and has been compared with goddess Durga who has great power in herself that she finished the demon Mahisasura.

This pandal is very attractive and has a big entrance where an elephant stands atop pedestals with its trunk raised. The formation is made in such a way that it will be climbing way where Amarendra Bahubali will be seen climbing up its head along the trunk. The elephant has been fixed with LED lights to make it more attractive, the idol will be made of fibre. Coming to the pandal visitors, they will be making it through the feet of the elephant. Not only this more Bahubali themed light pillars will help the visitors to enter the pandal and get to know the way. There are in total four scenes that the designer has portrayed namely, Sivagami showing raising new-born baby Mahendra above water as she floats along the mountain stream, Amarendra and Devsena have been shown practicing archery side by side, Mahendra carrying the gigantic Sivalinga and Mahendra standing astride two on rushing bulls.

This complete theme has been designed by Romeo who is from Kolkata and the beautiful idol has been made by Pradip Rudra Paland and the lighting has been done by Babu Pal who hails from Chandannagar. The jewelleries are of worth Rs 10 crore has been sponsored by Senco Gold and Diamonds.