Avishek Karthik and Sai Dhanshika starrer ‘Kaathadi’ trailer out and quite baseless

Avishek Karthik and Sai Dhanshika starrer 'Kaathadi' trailer out and quite baseless

It has been a long tradition in Indian cinema to make sure that a comedy film does no have a script at all, it’s almost considered a wrong doing to try and make a film work on the paper before actors are allowed to play with it. Sometimes it has worked and films have been funny but mostly in the guilty pleasure list which makes the bank for certain films but this one is going absolutely nowhere. If makers could not even make a 2 minute funny trailer out of a 2 hour comedy than it must not be worth it.

By the genre it is comedy of errors but really more of errors. The entire film is a combination of gags which insists on funny one liners which do not have direct reference to the story which is why the story never moves forward and rather sticks at a point trying to be funny but for how long any actor make sure that nothing happens but audience is still suppose to laugh. Every actor has their individual responsibility of coming up with funny elements but they are not in sync because nobody is serving the script.

There is a continuity of tonality that one needs to maintain through out the film which is essentially the main job of the director but when the base line of a proper script is not there than every actor does his own act and overall film looks flawed. In some scenes the trailer is very loud though in the others it is subtle which gives an element of uneasiness to the audience who now can’t decide if this is one single film. The plot of the film is seemingly so bizarre that not one element is explained to any depth on which audience decides to buy the ticket.