Avatar Sequel Shooting To Begin In September, Release Set For 2020

Plans are afoot for the shooting of the prequel to Avatar, although its maker James Cameron has declined to calling it Avatar 2 since Jake will no longer be an Avatar in this movie but one of the Na’avi. The shooting is set to begin on 25th September, and it rumoured that the both parts 2 and 3 will be shot back to back.

Cameron has said in a statement: “In the second and third films, which will be self contained stories that also fulfill a greater story arc, we will not back off the throttle of Avatar’s visual and emotional horsepower, and will continue to explore its themes and characters, which touched the hearts of audiences in all cultures around the world. I’m looking forward to returning to Pandora, a world where our imaginations can run wild.” 

The movie will supposedly explore the oceans of Pandora, and the Avatar team is now developing underwater motion capture technology to keep the visual magnificence of the first film intact. The film will also explore the culture of the Na’avi more than the first Avatar movie.

Meanwhile, the film has finally taken shape after years of planning, with seven tentative release dates announced and pushed back as the makers have struggled to put life to the film. In January 2017, James Cameron was reported as saying that he was moving from writing to the “active prep” process, with motion capture filming planned for August and his involvement in production every day up until then. Cameron also said that the motion capture volume was already working and design almost completed.


With the shooting for the novel film enterprise to begin in September, many analysts believe that the producers may be able to keep their deadline this time. The movie is slated to be 18 December 2020, and will be both an IMAX and regular release.