TISSNET result declared at appln.tiss.edu

TISSNET result declared at appln.tiss.edu

Tata Institute of Social Science has declared the result of TISSNET on their official website. The candidates who has appeared for the examination can check their result on the official website. This exam was basically conducted on January 7, 2018. This exam was conducted at 39 centers all over the country. The exam compromised of 100 marks, excluding the PIT for 50 marks and an interview of  75 marks which then comprised total of 225 marks. This exam was conducted in almost all cities of India. This exam is conducted for providing admission to 56 courses of masters.

Candidates should follow the steps given below for checking the results:

  • Candidate must visit the official website i.e. appln.tiss.edu
  • Candidate must enter the registered id and password.
  • All the details has to be carefully entered.
  • After submitting, the result will display on the screen.
  • By following all these steps, the result will be displayed.

As the result is declared, the candidate must appear for the interview round. The interviews will take place on February 17, March 13, March 20, March 26, 2018. Different interview rounds will be conducted after the declaration of result. This exam gives admission to different courses of masters. This exam has main hold on Master of Arts and Master of Science. This institute was renamed in 1944. The roots of the institute was laid in 1936. The question paper was objective. The question paper included question paper based on general knowledge, analytical ability, logical reasoning and English. Candidate must visit the official website for any update. The institute has scheduled the dates for interview. The candidate who has qualified the written test will have to appear for the interview scheduled at the specific dates. If the candidate finds any of the details wrong on the scoreboard he should contact the institute immediately.

Candidate must visit the official website appln.tiss.edu