SSC Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors application form to be closed soon

SSC Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors application form to be closed soon

SSC recruitment of Sub-Inspectors application form has been released long back. Candidates must visit the official website who are interested in applying for the same. The last date of filling the recruitment form is April 2, 2018. No recruitment form will be accepted after this. Candidate must visit the official website and apply over there. On the web-page of SSC there is a link for the recruitment. Applicant has to click on the link and then the candidate will be directed to the recruitment form. Candidate has to fill all the details on the recruitment form. The exams are scheduled to take place from June 4 to June 10 for the Paper 1 and for Paper 2 the exam will be on December 1, 2018.

The recruitment form is available for the Sub-Inspector of Delhi Police, CAPFs and ASI. Candidates who are interested must fill the application form till April 2. The pay scale is different for different post. The pay-scale for the Sub-inspector in CAPF is 35400-112400. The pay scale for the Sub-inspector in Delhi police is 35400-112400. The pay scale for the assistant sub-inspector is 29200-92300. Candidates must check the pay scale before filling the application form.

The vacancies for the Sub-Inspector (Male) in Delhi Police is 97, for the Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police Female is 53 and for the Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPFs is 1037. Candidates must make a note on the vacancies available. The age-limit for applying to this is 20 years to 25 years. Candidates must appear for those question which they are sure as there will be negative marking for the wrong question paper. The question paper will be prepared in two languages i.e English and Hindi. The question paper will be in multiple choice questions. Candidate must appear for the questions they are sure. Candidate must visit the website for filling the application form.