SSC has released the admit card for the CHSL for the northern region. Staff Selection Commission has released the admit card for Tier 1. The admit card has been released for the region that covers Rajasthan, Delhi and Uttarakhand. Candidates who have filled the application form must visit the official website and should download the admit card. CHSL exam is scheduled to take place on March 4 to March 26, 2018. The exam will be held in different regions. Candidate must download the admit card from the official website. Before exams candidate has to download the admit card.
In order to download the admit card candidate must follow the steps given below:
- Candidate must visit the official website i.e.
- Candidate will find a link of the admit card.
- Candidate has to choose the region.
- Candidate will be able to download the admit card by filling all the details.
- The admit card will appear.
By following all the above steps, a candidate will be able to download the admit card. The total number of vacancies available are 3259. Candidates who want to fill these vacancies can apply. Admit cards should be carried to the examination center as no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center. Admit cards contain important information regarding the exam center and the Roll number and the registration number. Candidates must download the admit card. The mode of the conducting the exam is online. The pay scale for this is Rs 5,200 to Rs 20,200. Candidates must download the admit card before the exam. Candidate must check that the admit card should have all the correct information as no wrong admit card will be entertained in the examination hall. Candidates must download the admit card as soon as possible. Before this the admit card was released for the southern region. Candidate must visit the official website.
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