SSC CHSL 2017 online registration date extended; Register now at

SSC CHSL 2017 examination registration date has extended to 20th December. A per the latest information the staff selection commission has extended their registration date for the examination of the Combined Higher Secondary level (10+2) to 20th December till 5 pm. So, the candidates who have missed the deadlines or have not registered themselves for some reason has once again got the chance to register them for the CHSL 2017 exam. The candidate can register them by visiting the official website of the Commission at Earlier, the closing date for the registration of the examination of the SSC CHSL is 18th December that is today.

However, now the candidates can register them easily for the CHSL exam as the deadline extended for two days. It is the good news for the candidates who have missed the deadlines and wanted to be registered. The candidates are advised to visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission to apply for the CHSL exam. There are total 3,259 vacancies for the eligible candidates who are seeking to appear for the CHSL exam. The pay scale for the eligible candidates of the Combined Higher Secondary level stands up to Rs 5,200 to 20,200.

The Staff Selection Commission will conduct the computer-based exam on 4th March to 26th March 2018. And the candidates who will be able to clear the Tier-I examination would be called for the Tier II examination that is scheduled for 8th July 2018. The candidates are required to appear for the three stages of the selection process. However, the candidates were complaining about the server down since two days, most of the candidates are also facing difficulties while applying for the SSC CHSL exam. So, the Staff Selection Commission has extended the registration deadline for the Combined Higher Secondary level 1 exam. Now, the last date for the registration of the CHSL examination is 20th December.