SSC CGL has come with a new date sheet: Look here for details

With the going tough life, people in India depends on a lot on the results of SSC exam. The SSC exam, or Staff Selection Commission- Combined Graduate Level Examination, which is often referred as SSC CGL are the examination  which is conducted to recruit the staff to various posts in the field of  ministries, organisations and  departments of the government of India, which needs a bachelors need and a very few amount of fees. The examinations are conducted by the staff selection commission for selecting the staff from the various groups for various posts from Group B and Group C. The same process is going from 42 years. The examination which is divided

The examination which is divided into sections of quantitative ability, English Language and Comprehension, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and General Awareness. Recently, on the official site of the page a notification pop out that the online application for the SSC Selection Post Exam has extended the dates due to the technical problem and it has now shifted the dates to 27th September 2017 till 5 PM.

The interested candidates can now submit their online forms at the new link here Now the SSC CGL has come with a new date sheet that ha a date, examination and the year, write-ups, results and marks which contains the date from the last-to-last year 2nd September 2015 to 26th September 2017. The data contains the list of examination which was held back in the years, and the group cleared with interview dates and the declaration of the result dates and much more. If you wish to see the dates of the previous candidates or the year. The candidates who wish to take a look at the new datesheet being released can visit the official website of SSC,