The staff selection commission (SSC) has released a revised cut-off result for the students who appeared for SSC CGL 2017 examinations. The great news comes after the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) felt for thousands of students not passed in the Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) 2017 Tier I exam, that was announced earlier.
The official site of staff selection commission (SSC) states that it was discovered that due to some technical glitch, a big no. of few tentative answer, keys had not been revised for those disappointed students, who felt if they could pass. Therefore, the commission took serious action to it and revised the site with correct answer keys. And soon the cut off marks lowers resulting revision of the result. The SSC CGL examination of Tier 1 was conducted on August 5th-24th, 2017 in different centers across India in the computer-based mode. And soon the answer keys in September released on the official site of SSC i.e sss Students who appeared for the test can view their result in following steps.
Step 1- Straight go to the official portal of SSC(Staff selection commission) –i.e
Step 2- Soon you would be taken to the homepage of the website
Step 3- Click on the “Results” selection.
Step 4- After clicking, two options would flash i.e. Write-Up and Results.
Step 5- Click on the “results”
Step 6-There you will see the PDF file, click the file for your name and your roll no.
Step 7-Also, you can view the cut-off marks category wise, by clicking on “write-up” option, next to “result” option
Step 8- Your result is here, download and take the print for the future inconvenience.
Candidates have been going disappointed after the incorrect answer keys, but with the revised result, I hope everybody gets a big smile. All the best for your second stage and the results.
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