State Bank of India has scheduled to release the admit card for the prelims exam on the official website. The reserved category can download the call letter directly from the official website. The exam is conducted for the recruitment of Junior Associates in clerical cadre. The admit card is scheduled to release by March 1, 2018. Candidates can download the admit card directly tomorrow. The exact date of exam is yet not declared but an approximation says that the exam is scheduled to take place by March or april. There is still some time for the preparation of the exam.
Candidates who want to download the admit card must follow the steps given below:
- Candidates must visit the official website i.e.
- On the web-page, candidate has to choose the career option.
- Candidate will find a link of downloading the admit card.
- Candidates will be directed to a login page.
- Candidates has to fill all the details.
- The admit card will appear.
By following all the above steps, a candidate will be successfully able to download the admit card. The mode of conducting the exam will be online and even the main exams will be conducted in local language. The exam will be of one hour duration. Questions will carry 100 marks and will be divided into three sections English language for 30 marks, numerical ability for 35 marks and reasoning ability of 35 marks. Candidates will get 20 minutes for each section. The total number of vacancies will be 8,301. Candidates must carry the admit card to the examination center as no candidate will be allowed to enter the examination center without the admit card. Candidates must check that the admit card should contain all the correct information as no entry will be allowed on wrong information of the admit card. Candidates must keep a check on the official website and should download the admit card before the exam.
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