Railway Recruitment Board Group-D : 62907 Vacancies check details

Railway Recruitment Board Group-D : 62907 Vacancies check details

Railway Recruitment Board has released the minimum qualification for the Indian Railways Recruitment 2018 for Group D. A total of 62,907 vacancies has released the Indian Railways to relax the minimum qualification. Change in the criteria has not been published by the Board in the Group D notification. The minimum educational qualification has been relaxed to Class 10th only Industrial Training Institute or equivalent certificate.  The total number of vacancies announced was 62907. The job seekers found a change in the number of vacancies announced. The recruitment for this began on February 10 this month.

Many aspirants were disappointed for not applying to this job. The reason for the demand of the educational qualification to low down is that many candidates can apply and the least qualification a candidate needs to apply is Class 10th pass + ITI or class 10 pass+ NCVT to apply. The railway ministry even gave a relaxation of two years to all the categories. The age limit has been increased by two years for all categories. The last date to apply for the application form is March 12, 2018. Now as the changes has been made on an instant the candidates may be given 15 days more to apply for the application form.

The application form fees is 500 for the general category and 250 for the reserved category. The mode of paying the application fees is online. Candidates who wish to fill the form can fill and pay fees through online mood. Candidates signature should be in English language only, no regional language signature will be accepted. The question paper will be prepared in fifteen language. The railway recruitment for Level 1 and Level 2 is happening after a gap of four years. Candidates must visit the official website for filling the application form. The vacancies has been released for the post of Track Maintainer Grade IV (Trackman), Gangman,Pointsman, Switchman, Helpers in electrical/engineering/mechanical/signal and telecommunication department, Porter. Candidates must visit the official website.