Railway Protection Force Recruitment : 9500 Vacancies introduced

Railway Protection Force Recruitment : 9500 Vacancies introduced

Railway Protection Force Recruitment has introduced 9500 vacancies out of which 50% vacancies are introduced for the women. Candidates who are interested must fill the registration form regarding the same. Candidates who are interested for this must check the official website. This notification was released in considering the opportunities to be given to the students. Opportunities are given to the students in large number. Already 90000 vacancies has been filled in Group C and Group D. The percentage which is offered to the women in the Railway Protection Force is 50 %. Central Railway has been providing one Lakh opportunities to the people. Candidates must keep a watch on the official website of railway for all the queries.

Candidates who are interested must apply on the website rpfonlinereg.co.in . A written test will be there for the selection. Medical test will also be there for the recruitment. Candidates has to go through the four main test for getting recruited. The height of the male which is required for the recruitment is 165 cm and for the female is 157 cm. The post for the which the vacancies released are Constable. The salary which will be offered will be 5200-20200. The educational qualification which is required is Class 10th. Candidates must have done Class 10th from a recognized board.

Candidate must check that all the information are provided on the official website and all the requirements which are required. Candidates must make a note on all the eligibility criteria. The introduction of 9000 more vacancies are offering many good opportunities to the people who are in search of recruitment. Candidates must visit the official website. Candidate will find a link on the web-page. Candidate has to register on the official website. Candidate must remember the registration number and password. Candidates must check all the notification on the website.