
PSEB-Punjab board 10th compartment results 2017

PSEB-Punjab board 10th compartment results 2017

The Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) class 10th supplementary results have declared on their official website. The results had already been out on May 23rd, 2017, with an average percentage of 61% pass and 40% fail. Again The exams for Matriculation or class 1oth were conducted in June for those students who did not pass the first attempt. PSEB has declared the results and released the mark sheet.

Every year, the exams are conducted in March and results get out by last week of May. But this year the result shown was poor by the students so the Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh declared the re-exam over the poor result of class 10th. Students can see their results on the official site i.e. and retain the documents on the board. Today’s result by PSEB of class 10th will pave the way for the students to take admission in class 11th in different schools by the Punjab state for the coming academic year of 2017-2018. Now the students who have qualified the PSEB exam can take a step ahead in their career.

PSEB had already declared the result on 29th July 2017. The board has come out with the result of class 10th or matriculation supplementary exam on Students who appeared in the exam and qualified it, can check on the official side of PSEB and take the step to the new academic year of 2017-2018 in class 11th. A total of 82086 students were present on the previous exam and to check the result for the matriculation supplementary exams, visit the official site.

About the author

Ria Maheshwari