National Talent Search Examination (NTSE), for class 10th students admit card have been released and the candidates can now check and download them from the official site of the the organization. The NTSE examination will take place om 5 November, so the students are advised to look for the admit card, since they won’t be able to enter the examination hall if they don’t posses it. The timings for the examination is, from 10 AM to 1 PM. Students are expected to see 50 question concerning Mental ability in the examination, 50 for Language comprehensive, and 100 questions regarding Aptitude testing. Each question will carry 1 marks.
Students are required to follow the steps through which they can access the admit card without any problems.
1-The student will have to open the official NTSE site,, which they can access through google search directly.
2-Once the candidate is able to see the official site, they’ll need to click on the link, which is present in the quick link section of the site.
3-The candidate will then asked to enter their password and other details, so that the server knows that their identity is authentic.
4-After entering their details, a new page will open, and the candidate will be able to see his or her admit card. They can then download and print is as they like.