Mumbai University Mess: Launches new website to address the concerns of the students

Mumbai University mess

Mumbai University has crossed all the limits of irresponsibility and creating mess along. Earlier the university missed three deadlines of declaring the result and after that it finally managed to declare some of the results and now the university is searching for the misplaced answer booklets. Due to this reason of delay, some law students filed a petition against the university of delaying the results which is effecting their admission process for further studies.

Three months ago the University claimed that they have started the on-screen assessment process of answer scrips for lakhs of students and now they are saying that they are in hunt of misplaced answer booklets. Proving their irresponsibility towards the students and their result the officials of the university claim that the answer sheets could be lying in some warehouse that might have misplaced in the assessment software or all over lost.  They also clear their point by saying that when they say that the answer scripts are misplaced, they mean that they might have got uploaded under a different subject code on the assessment software. Not only his the university officials also say that a physical search is also going on in full swing to see if really the papers are still lying at the warehouse.

The university has now launched a new website to address the concerns of the students as they were facing a lot of problems in checking their results. Due to the increasing number of complaints, the university came up with a new website, which will now allow the students to register their complaints on the website instead of visiting the Mumbai University personally.