MP Vyapam Patwari Recruitment Test 2017 admit cards has released now and available on the official website. So, the candidates who are interested and have applied for the examination of Vyapam Patwari test can now download the admit cards from the Vyapam board website at As per the reports, the admit cards of the candidate will be available on the official website However, the organization has changed the official website from to It is under maintenance so, the candidates can download their hall entry ticket for the Madhya Pradesh Professional examination from vyapam website only.
As per the reports, the Vyapam test was formerly known as Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board. So, the MPEB has released the Vyapam Patwari Recruitment Test 2017 Admit cards on the official website. The admit card of Vyapam Patwari Recruitment Test has released the examination date. As per the information, the Vyapam Recruitment test will take place from 9th to 31st December.
The board is conducting Vyapam Patwari recruitment 2017 test for filling up the around 9,235 vacancies. The candidates are advised to take their admit cards at the examination centre. The reporting time for the morning exam is 7.30 am and for the afternoon, it is 1:30 pm. For more updates on the Vyapam Patwari recruitment test, 2017 candidates can check the official website of the board.
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