Mizoram Tecacher Eligibility Test (MTET) 2017 have been finally released courtsey of Mizoram Board of School Education. The candidates who applied and appeared for the test are requireed to look for the result now, to see if they’ve been selected or not. There were two phases for the test and the candidates had to appear for the both of them, the exams were conducted on September 20.
The Candidates can now check the results by browsing the site of the Mizoram Board of School education site by logging onto: www.mbse.edu.in.
1- Once the candidates are able to open the site, they need to click on the notification option that appears on the first page of the sit.
2- Under the option, the candidates should click on the tab that shows, Results of MTET 2017, which will lead them to the results.
3- When the candidate clicks on the tab, a pdf will then automatically be downloaded to the candidate’s device, and will feature the roll number, father’s name, score and the score of the students who had given the test.
4- The candidate should just print it out if they want to use it in future.