IBPS has released the exam schedule regarding the filling of the application form, exam date and all the required information. The exam date of the IBPS PO will commence from October 13, 14, 20 and 21. Candidates who want to fill the application form must keep a check on the website for the release of the application form. The exam date schedule has been released. The dates are declared for the Prelims exam to take place. IBPS PO mains exam call letter begins on November 19, 2018. The last date of downloading the admit card for the mains exam is November 18, 2018. The mains exam of IBPS will conduct on November 18, 2018.
Candidate can apply online for the application form of IBPS PO exam once the official notification for the exam is released on its official website. The IBPS PO Mains exam will now have the Descriptive test, General awareness section in addition to other subjects. The total number of questions asked will be 100. The English Language will have 30 questions, Quantitive Aptitude will have 35 questions and Reasoning ability will have 30 questions. Each question carries one marks i.e. the English language, quantitive aptitude and the reasoning ability section will comprise of 100 marks. The mains exam of IBPS will take place on November 18, 2018.
Admit cards notification will be released on the official website. Candidates who had filled the application form can only download the admit card. Admit cards should be downloaded and should be carried to the examination hall. No candidate will be permitted entry without the admit card. The result for this exam will be declared 10-12 days after the examination takes place. Candidate must visit the official website for all the details. The admit cards will be available a week or two weeks before the exam. Candidate must fill the application form carefully once it is released. The notification will be made on its official website i.e. ibps.in
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