IBPS has declared the Clerk prelims exam result. This exam is conducted in two phases. The qualified students of prelims exam has to appear for the mains exam. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has declared the date of mains exam and the date fixed for the exam is January 21, 2018. Total number of vacancies available are 7883. IBPS has also released the admit card for the candidates who are appearing in the mains exam. The declaration of the final result will take place on April 1, 2018.
Candidate has to qualify both the exam for occupying the position of Clerk in most of the Premier Public Sector banks. To qualify the exam, a candidate has to score 100% as the weightage is 100%. The prelims exam was based on the basis of English, Aptitude, Intellect test. The duration of IBPS mains exam will be 160 minutes and the total number of questions will be 190. Initially the reasoning and the computer aptitude section used to conduct separately but through the recent updates we came to knew that a single section will be there this time which would comprise of 50 questions. Marks obtained in the prelims will not be used in the selection. Candidate has to qualify the second exam. The merit list will be displayed when the mains exam is cleared.
The minimum and the maximum age limit required is 20 years to 28 years. The minimum educational qualification required is graduation. The candidate must have appeared for English as one of the main subject in graduation to appear for this exam. The merit list and the cut-off list will be displayed according to the states. The question paper will be bilingual i.e. in Hindi and English. Negative marking is done for both Prelims and Mains exam. During the prelims exam, no fixed time is there for a section but the mains exam holds a criteria of fixed time for each section.
For more updates, candidate must visit ibps.in/common-written-examination-regional-rural-banks/
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