Gujarat Public Service Commission result declared

Gujarat Public Service Commission result declared

The Gujarat Public Service Commission has finally declared the result for Class 1 and 2 cadre main examination. These exam took place in September 2017. The qualified candidates are 1045. The total number of vacancies were 1045. The prelims exam was held on July 4, 2017. Previous year 335 posts were selected for Cadre 1 and 2. The interview for the qualified students is scheduled. The interview rounds will take place in February from February 12 to February 18. The total number of candidates who had appeared in this exam was 1.71 lakh but the number of available seats are comparatively less than the applied candidates.

Candidates can check the result on the official website. Candidate first has to visit the official website and then the candidate has to fill all the details on the page. After filling all the details the candidate will be directed to a webpage where the candidate has to click result and the result of the specified candidate will appear on the screen. Every year Gujarat conduct different exams to hire different able person. GPSC gives platform to various capable aspirants who want to be a part of government organisation. The main role of Gujarat Public Service Commission of Constitution of India is to perform examinations for recruitment to the services of the State.

The 335 post include various posts like 40 post are for the deputy collector, 28 post for the deputy superintendent of police, 69 post for mamlatdars, 96 post for section officer. The various posts are specified from the total number of vacancies. There are three rounds i.e. prelims, mains and then the interview round. These rounds are necessary for the selection. Even after qualifying the written exam, the candidate has to qualify the interview round. Candidate must visit the official website for any query regarding the result.