GATE 2018 Final answer key was expected to release soon. Final Answer Key is scheduled to be released on March 14, 2018. The result is scheduled to take place on March 17, 2018. Candidates who had appeared for this must check the final answer key on March 14, 2018. Answer key was released before also but three days were given for challenging the answer key of the GATE. After all the queries were answered, a final answer Key will be released. The final result is scheduled to be declared on March 17, 2018. The responsive sheet of GATE was released on February 17, 2018. From February 21 to February 23, 2018, the candidates were given an opportunity to challenge all the queries on the answer key.
Candidates must follow the steps given for checking the answer key :
- Candidate must check on the official website i.e.
- Candidate will find a tab of Answer key on the web-page.
- Candidate will have to check the subjects and then download the answer key.
- The answer key will appear.
By following all the above steps, a candidate can easily check the answer key which will be uploaded by March 14, 2018. The final answer key is a result of challenge of the answer key that was released before. Candidate must successfully see the result on March 17. The first provisional answer key was released on February 19 and two days after candidates started challenging the answer key and now the final answer key will be uploaded soon. GATE exam provides admission to the courses like M.Tech. programes . GATE score are also accepted by several PSUs for recruitment of graduate trainees and management trainees. The authorities went through the queries and will declare the result by March 17, 2018 as for the recruitment process to take place. Candidate must visit the official website. Candidate must see the website.
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