Dsssb online recruitment 2017 Delhi has started accepting online application forms for the posts of Lower Division Clerks (LDCs), statistical assistants, grade II and IV. The last date to submit the application form or the online registration is 21st August 2017. The Candidates who are interested to work for the posts of Lower Division Clerks (LDCs), statistical assistants, grade II and IV can now apply online or can register themselves through online process. The eligible candidates will be able to apply for around 1074 posts. The examination for the 1074 posts will be conducted in Delhi only and the candidates are urged to bring their Aadhaar Card at the examination centre.
The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board has finally released the recruitment notification on their official website i.e., http://dsssbonline.nic.in. So, candidates who want to apply for the Delhi Subordinate Services to get posts of Lower Division Clerks (LDCs), statistical assistants, grade II and IV can now apply by visiting the official website i.e., http://dsssbonline.nic.in. While registering themselves candidates have to pay the examination fee of Rs 100 while the women candidates, Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, physically handicapped and ex-serviceman candidates will not have to pay any fees as they exempted from the fee payment. The selection into the Delhi Subordinate Services will be based on the job seeking performances in Tier I and Tier II examination as well as the skill test. These exams will be held in Hindi and English.
The Tier I exam will be based on general awareness, general intelligence reasoning ability, arithmetical numerical ability, Hindi language comprehension and English language comprehension. And Tier II will the same as Tier I exam and objective-type questions will also be asked.