The Admit card for the Delhi Subordinate Service Selection Service online recruitment has been released on the official website that is and has also started to accept the online application forms for the Lower Division Clerks (LDCs), statistical assistants, grade II and IV. The last date to submit the application form or the online registration is 21st August 2017.
The posts fo which the admit cards have been released are: Pharmacist, Legal Assistant, Executive, Assistant, Deputy manager, Staff Nurse, Pharmacist. The posts have been ordered with different post codes. The candidates who are eligible for the post will be able to apply for around 1074 posts and the examination will be conducted in Delhi only. All the candidates who are supposed to appear for the examination are advised to carry their Aadhaar Card at the examination centre.
Regarding the examination and syllabus, the examination of Tier I will be based on general intelligence, reasoning ability, general awareness, Hindi language comprehension and English language comprehension and the examination of Tier II will be same and an addition of objective-type questions will be asked. The candidates who are supposed to appear for the examination need to pay the examination fee of Rs 100 whereas the ladies candidates, schedule caste, schedule tribe, physically handicapped and ex-serviceman candidates are being exempted from paying the fees.
There have been educational qualification being mentioned that is required for applying for the post. The candidates who are willing to apply need to check the eligibility criteria and qualification criteria for the same. We wish all the best to the candidates for the examination.