CAT 2017 results out now: 2 Woman make it to the top twenty with 100 percentile

CAT 2017 results out now: 2 Woman make it to the top twenty with 100 percentile

The results for the Common Admission Test 2017 have now been announced, and can be accessed on the official site, The Common Admission test is conducted by the Indian Institue of Management (IIM) every year, for the selection of students fro Management studies. The CAT examination is very crucial for students who want to study management because the results are also used for admission in Universities across the nation. Candidates will be able to see their results and if they have obtained enough marks to get admission in reputed colleges. The examination was held on 26 November, 2017, in two shifts. A large number of students, 199, 632 to be specific, had given the exam, and the test centers had been situated across 140 cities throughout the nation.

The results have been impressive, as two woman were successful in breaking into the top 20 list, whereas previous year, the list had consisted of males only. The top twenty have all achieved an impressive 100 percentile in the exam.

To obtain the results for the exam, the candidates can follow the simple steps mentioned below:

  1. The candidate will need to access the official site of the examination, that is,, from where they will be able to get the mark sheet.
  2. Once the candidate has reached the site, they will see a link that states, “Scorecard for CAT 2017”. The candidate will have to click on the link.
  3. After reaching the page, the candidate will need to enter his or detail as they have been mentioned, like roll no, name etc.
  4. After entering the essential details, the candidate’s results will open on a new page, and they can then download it for future purposes.