BTEUP the Board of the Technical Education of the UP has now declared the results for the second, fourth and sixth semesters Polytechnic course exam today. The board has released the results on the official website i.e., The Board has now released the results of semesters exams along with the annual papers, multi point entry and credit system exams 2017. The exams of the 2nd, 4th and 6th semester were conducted in the month of May and June 2017 at the various polytechnic institutes across the state.
The Uttar Pradesh Board of the Technical Education offers three-year diploma in the following branches such as Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Auto Mobile, Production, Computer Science, Information Technology, Agriculture along with other PG and Pharmacy Diploma Course. The students who will clear the examination of BTEUP will be provided with the detailed mark sheets. This year approximately 1.75 lakh students have appeared for the exams of the Board of the Technical Education Uttar Pradesh. Earlier the semester results and the final results were expected to be declared in the last week of August. However, the board has released it today. So, the students who have appeared for the examination of the BTEUP can now check their results by visiting the official website of the Technical Education Board i.e.,
The Board Of Technical Education Uttar Pradesh BTEUP was set up in 1958 that conducted its first exam for diploma level and certificate courses in 1960. Moreover, presently the board conducts the examination for around 38,000 students from the 52 different centres that are affiliated with the Board.