Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education Directorate of Government Examinations has finally released the results of AP D.El.Ed (TTC)/DEd. The results have been released on the board’s official website, The Directorate of Government Examinations organizes the Andhra Pradesh Diploma for Elementary Education examination that is also known in the abbreviated form, D.El.Ed. The candidates who wish to check their results online can follow the steps mentioned here: Firstly, the candidates need to visit the official website of AP BSE, Then the candidates need to click on the link that you will see flashing on the home page with the name, “D.El.Ed. 1st Year Exams July 2017 Results”. Then you need to enter the roll number that has been provided from the university and a new page will be open. Then you need to submit and check your results that will be appearing on your screen.
If we talk about the examination board, then we get to know that Directorate of Government Examination is an independent department which functions under the ministry of secondary education which works under the Government of Andhra Pradesh and is responsible for conducting SSC/OSSC Public examinations and other examinations too. A few months before this university also faced a lot of criticism regarding the leaked papers.