ADCC Bank Recruitment 2017: Hall Tickets released at

ADCC Recruitment 2017

he Ahmednagar District Central Co-operative Bank(ADCC) have released the ADCC Bank Recruitment Examination 2017 Hall tickets on its official website that is  As per the reports, the ADCC Ahmednagar will conduct the recruitment examination on 12th and 13th August 2017 for filling the vacancies for the following posts that are posts of Grade 1 and 2 officers, Junior Officers and Clerical staff. The candidates who will be successful in the recruitment examination will be appointed in the ADCC Bank Branches on a one year Probation period.

The candidates who have applied for the ADCC Bank Recruitment Examination 2017 are now eligible to download the hall ticket from the official website mentioned above by the following some steps mentioned: Firstly you need to visit the official website that is . Then you need to click on the link which says ‘E-Hall Ticket’ and the you have to choose the name of the post you have applied for whether Grade 1 officer or Grade 2 officer, Junior officers or clerical staff. Then enter the first alphabet of your name and your name will be displayed on the screen, enter your date of birth and now download the hall ticket being displayed.

There are in total 459 posts for which the ADCC has released the notification withe the following posts of First Class Officer, Second Class Officer, Junior Officer and Clerical staff for its branches all across the district. The registration process for the same was being started from 10th June 2017 and was ended on 30th June 2017. As per the official website the written examination for the first and the second class officers will be conducted on 12th August 2017 that too in two sessions that would be firstly from 11 AM to 1 PM and then 3 PM to 5 PM and on 13th August the Junior Officers and Clerks will be conducted at the same time. The total duration of the examination is 2 hours and the exam question paper includes 90 questions in total out of which each questions will carry 1 mark and the topics of the test include Banking, English, General Knowledge and Intelligence testing.